Referrals to and how to access Gateway support
Specialising primarily in Key Stage 3, Gateway provides an environment and curriculum that enables our young people to establish skills and attitudes that will aid their learning journey. Gateway welcomes referrals from all local schools and through our clear protocol and service level agreements we aim to provide a service that helps young people thrive and progress toward their own personal learning pathway.
Working with Gateway and our protocols
The image to the left maps the steps during a placement at the Gateway.
The provision has an Actual Pupil Number (APN) of 30, across mixed Key Stage 3 Year groups.
There are up to 10 places in each group.
Every stage of the process has an emphasis on partnerships and relationships between all those responsible for the young person.
Referrals to Gateway are dependent on a completed Service Level Agreement (SLA) between the referring school and Gateway.
Regular reviews and progress tracking is key to a successful 18 week placement.
All students will have a transition plan determined by the 16th week.
Upon accepted referral to the Gateway students are led by the Gateway team through the GFM Special and Alternative phase. However, there remains 'shared professional responsibility' in all matters concerning the education and well-being of the young person.
Gateway will coordinate regular 4 weekly reviews to ensure close monitoring and tracking of the students progress and journey toward next steps.
Gateway will continue to support and monitor students at 1st week, 3rd week and 6th week intervals post transition.
The 18 week plan will include:
'Live' Key Performance Data - Attendance, Engagement in Learning measure, Behaviour measure, Character development measure.
Specific targets monitoring and review.
Progress data for identified areas of development, this may include academic and holistic.
Completed Profiling and assessment tools pertinent to agreed plan and at agreed stages during the 18 week placement.
18 week review schedule agreed upon at the start of placement at Gateway.
Four weekly meeting minutes with key stakeholders and recorded actions following daily debriefs at Gateway.
Transition proposal.
Transition monitoring plan from 18 weeks to 24 weeks.